Spring into action


It is a beautiful time of year. The flowers are growing and the weather will soon be improving.

I know that many of you have been following my journey, so you’ll know that I’ve been working my way through my to-do list.  I suspect some of you already know this, but I really do appreciate your support and guidance. I have been reading so many wonderful blogs and I’ve been inspired to remind you that this upcoming period of time will be a wonderful opportunity to reflect and have a clear-out. What have you been thinking about doing and just haven’t given yourself a deadline to get on and do it?

Many of us are blessed with the belief and knowledge of the importance of a purpose or a goal. When you have something to work towards, it feels fantastic when you make progress.  It feels great when you have something to look forward to achieving.

Drifting along and not having a clear destination can mean that our most precious gift, which is time, can be wasted.

Take this as a call to action. Think about what you want to achieve and make a plan of action to do it.

Once you are clear on what you want to achieve, write it down and look at it. Remember setbacks and mistakes are learning opportunities. Reflect, revise and revisit your goals until you achieve success.

Take a look at a book or your favourite blog for inspiration. Look at your old journals or pictures and see what is missing from your life.

Good luck to us all!

I hope that you have a wonderful time achieving your goals.

Thanks for stopping by



Come what may!

Come what may!
How was your day? Was it hard? Did you face obstacles or challenges? It may be a hard life, but don’t let that stop you from looking forward to each new day, come what may.
Remember tomorrow is another day and with it brings new opportunities to try and to succeed.
Think clearly about what you want in life. Don’t let life’s challenges, circumstances or fears stop you in your tracks.
Strive for success. Take each new opportunity as a moment to live and experience the wonderful world we live in. Think about your desires, wants and goals and be so clear that a five year old child would know what it is and if you have succeeded.
Decide to take action and just do it! Take the first step, don’t be afraid of failure, to fail is just another step on the path to success. The clearer you are on identifying your goals and the motivation behind them, the greater the chances will be of your eventual success.
My special son has shared his goals with me and he is well on the way to achieving his goals. He sits there roleplaying at being whatever it is he wants to be, he does his research and he smiles like he has already achieved it.
My special son inspires me and so many others. He doesn’t let anyone tell him something is unrealistic or impossible. Don’t let others or the voice in your head deter you from trying. Smile like you have already achieved it. Know that you have it within your grasp and you just have to be clear on what you want and be willing to do the work or pay the price.
Take action and let 2017 be a year you look back on fondly, knowing you did it.
So as my son says each morning when he is working towards his goals, “Do it now!”
My son then does his cheesy grin and dances across the hallway, being the best performer he can be.

Good luck on your journey. 2017 is the year of success.

Thanks for checking in with me.


If only life was more like Pac-Man

Thanks for checking in with me.

If only life was more like Pac-Man. I have watched my son play Pac-Man countless times. He has a groove, a smooth pattern that makes playing look easy. His highest scores is incredible. If he gets into difficulty or a challenging situation, he remains calm. Why? Because he has learnt if you don’t panic and just believe you can think of a solution, the likelihood of surviving the tricky situation is increased. When you watch him play you will see exactly how he just remains focused and calm (I will include the link so you can see exactly what I mean). If you just give up and just feel overwhelmed by the situation, then you get a selffulfilling prophecy and you are trapped and defeated because of your negative attitude. But if you believe in yourself and stay calm you can find or think of a solution to your predicament.

My son has dedicated several hours to his craft and it shows. He is aware that if you don’t take the first step and give it time and effort, how can you improve? He believes in practice, practice and more practicing. His time and effort show in his performance. He glides through each screen and it is stunning the way it almost looks effortless. You look at the speed and the transitions he makes as he progresses. He collects rewards and you can see his accomplishments accumulating.

When you take in the whole picture and see how he has mastered so many skills to make his progression seem effortless. He demonstrates so much about life.

This small child knows what he wants to achieve but the only thing holding him back is not fear but a lack of time. He would have achieved more but time runs out. He has wasted none of his lives; he makes it to the end of the game with one of the highest scores. His best scores are top 5% on X-Box Live.

How is this small child so accomplished and confident? It seems he just goes for it. He has identified his mission and purpose. He does not allow setbacks or obstacles to defeat or deter him. He has determination and perseverance to keep going. He has noticed the patterns and uses this knowledge to his advantage and if he does make a mistake he accepts it and keeps going.

I say to you to learn what you can from others and have a purpose so you too can achieve your goals and be a winner.

You do not know how much time you have, so do not waste any of your opportunities. Take the firsts step and get started on achieving your goals.

Watch my son play Pac-Man here :




Be happier?

As I type I am listening to my favourite soundtrack. I’m feeling happy. My family is my rock.

I suggest to you to be happy now. Decide what you want and be happy pursuing it. Enjoy the means not just the end. What service can you provide to the world? We need to live to our noble purpose.

Just do it! Do it now! Waiting for tomorrow may mean you never start. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don’t let your precious time be wasted. Fear is your enemy. You learn by living one step at a time. Look fear in the face and discover courage and strength.
Happiness is a byproduct of committing yourself to giving joy and you will get all the joy you need.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. “Eleanor Roosevelt

Feed your mind with information. Have a mindset to be motivated, to listen to other successful people who have achieved their goal. Go for it and see it to the end. If you stop working towards your goal, make sure that you start again. Take time to be with motivators who remind you of your goal. Read material that is going to provide you with personal growth. Have the belief and remind yourself daily what your goals are?
Read and listen to growth mindset material daily so you will achieve your success.

Make it a habit to focus on your goal daily.

Be always moving forward in everything you do. The way you move forward is to make a decision and take action. Think about what you want to achieve and take action so you will be closer to achieving your goals. You need to apply it now not later; excuses waste your opportunities for success and ruin the likeliness of a positive outcome. Give yourself the opportunities so you can achieve your goals.

Get a mentor, get someone to assist you in your goal so you have the knowledge and information you need to learn and grow. You have to evolve, so find someone who can help you to reach your goals. Having someone to answer your questions and prompt you. Having someone to keep you focused and on track. A mentor will help you to become very focused to achieving your goals. Having someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and will lead you along your path. Someone you can identify with and give you what you need help with or what is preventing you from reaching your goal. Find someone to give you the personal instruction that you deserve.

You must have confidence, when you enter a room, let your eyes and your body posture convey confidence. All your actions and communications must demonstrate confidence. You must have a confident and positive attitude. You need to make your subconscious aware that you are confident and you will achieve the goals you have.

You must stay focused, have realistic goals and move forward daily. Look ahead and know where you are going. Don’t’ get distracted or lose focus. Make sure your goal is very clear so you know what you are targeting. Identify your aspirations so that you are successful and achieve your goals.

Remember, make a decision and take action. Take daily steps. Eliminate your fears and negative mindset. Have a plan, stay focused and remove negativity. You deserve to achieve your goal. Do your preparation and learn about what you need and take all the necessary steps.

Good luck on your journey to being happier. Take care Cally.

How do we live the life of our dreams? What are the magic words you need to hear?

How do we live the life of our dreams? What are the magic words you need to hear?

Hello everyone,

Thanks for checking in on me. I am pleased to inform you that I have had, another productive and eventful week. The Big Fun 5k run was on Sunday and I successfully completed that in 34 minutes.But my success was not achieved on my own. What happened was quite unexpected.

During the race, I saw a man that was sweating profusely and looked like he was about to keel over. I stopped and asked him if he was okay. I engaged in conversation with him because I have been where he was. I had both empathy and understanding of his situation. I had to make a choice, but I knew what the right thing to do was because I also have been so out of breath and filled with terror because my body was not reacting the way it is supposed to, and my breathing was so erratic that I could just pass out.

So I made the decision to help this man. I stayed with this man during the remainder of the course and I shared my strategy with him. I told him let us run to the bench and then walk to the bins. I told him if you feel up to it we can keep going or stop when you need to. As we progressed through the course the man had more belief in my strategy and his breathing and pace continued to improve. This meant that we both completed the course and I did a personal best while helping another person.

In life there will always be someone who knows a strategy, or a secret to help us to achieve our goals. Slowing down to help someone out may seem like it is hindrance, but as in my case helping has always been beneficial to me. So I ask you, how can you help yourself by helping someone else? Can you share your tips for getting a good night sleep? Or your tips for getting your children to bed, or to school on time? There are so many things that you are an expert on, there are ways that we can help each other to be on the path to success. There must be something that you know could help a friend or family member.

We can all live the life of our dreams. We have to remember we don’t have to be selfish to succeed. Someone else’s downfall does not have to be the way to success. We must try to be the one person that is able to say I am going to live the life I want to live.

Let us be great rolemodels for our children and offer that support or advice. Let us say the magic words to our self or to others so that they strive for success and live the life of their dreams.

I know that we can all live the life of our dreams, but we must know what those goals or dreams are. Write those lists and give each goal a time or deadline so that you are one step closer to achieving the life of your dreams.

So what are the magic words you need to hear? Stop just thinking about what you want and get on and do something about it. Ask for help, find out more about how to achieve your goals. There are so many kind and generous people who will support you.

Find a mentor, find a friend that will remind you how amazing and wonderful you are. You are a winner and you will succeed.

Let me know how your challenges and successes work out. Remember you have to dream it and believe that you can take action. Know what you want to achieve and find out what you need to do it.

Good luck to us all and keep on believing in your dreams. Remember to hold on to that feeling of success and desire for change. The  result will be that we will all be sharing how we are living the life we have been dreaming about.

Take care and let me tell you my favourite quote that motivates me to work extra effectively.

Cally Finsbury


How do we become more proactive? How do we get started?

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had had a productive few days. I have been very busy indeed. I have been training hard. I have become even quicker in my 5k run (36.48). It has been half term so I have been spending time with my children. Here is some great news for me, my youngest has been very calm and meltdowns have reduced. I feel positive and happy and I hope you are feeling great also.

So back to my main point, how do we become more proactive? There are 86400 seconds in a day! How do you intend to use them? I suggest to you that you become more motivated. You need to try to prioritise your tasks and remember it is easier to keep going, then to keep stopping and starting. Don’t keep putting things off. I have been there, it is so easy to say to yourself, I will start tomorrow or I am so busy I couldn’t possibly do this or that. There is no one to help me or support me. Be calm and remember who you are, you are a winner!

You have to remember it is easy to keep making excuses. The excuses seem reasonable and there will always be good reasons to put things off. But you have to know, that it is vital you get moving towards your goals and stay motivated to complete the challenge you have set yourself.

For instance, running is a great challenge for me, a rewarding experience but a challenge indeed. When I am running I have two choices: to keep moving or to stop. When the urge to stop comes over me, my mentor has told me, just tell yourself to take ten more steps. Now apply this strategy to your task or activity.

For instance we all have to clean and tidy our homes, some more than others (when my son has a meltdown he totally creates chaos and havoc in my domain) when you just want to stop tell yourself to just wash the dishes or clean the bathroom before you stop. The result, you have achieved more and you have developed more stamina,resistance and determination.

Make up your mind, that you are a proactive person. That you are the type of person that goes out and has all the accomplishments that you have ever dreamed of to reflect on. You know what you dream of achieving. You know that you want it now and not in some distant future. So what do you need to do? You need to make that list of things you need to do. Tell yourself to do it in stages and push yourself by reminding yourself of your goals and why you want to achieve that target. Get reminders to stick on the fridge or television, places you know you are going to go or look at.

Remember, there are so many things you are capable of, you just have to do it. Just keep trying and eventually you will succeed.

I know it is possible. I changed my attitude to one of positivity and optimism and my life feels so much better. The things that were getting me down, don’t seem so significant now. The goals that I have are being achieved. Daily I feel better about being me.

So be proactive and get productive and start achieving your goals. You know what you want, you know why you want to achieve it. If you don’t know how to achieve it do your research, ask for help and support. There are so many people out in the world that want to support and motivate you. I will do my best to motivate you. Let me know what you need and I will ask who knows where you can get support or assistance.

Good luck to us all, may we be motivated, proactive and productive. We can and will achieve our goals. Each day just remember you have started so all you need to do to achieve is to: stay focused and remember you are not alone. All the people that achieve things had to start and that is how they succeeded. Action is all it takes to get started. This is your call to action.

I look forward to hearing about your challenges and successes. You know you can do it. I did it and I am continuing to do it. I have started writing my second story with my wonderful but challenging children. I have my 5k run this weekend and I have been cleaning and tidying my house.

Take care Cally

Denial is it a positive thing or a negative thing?

Hello everyone,

Thanks for checking in with me. It is so important that we continue to share and develop our self awareness.

Throughout our day and our lives we have to wonder are we in denial? Do we accept the various scenarios we find ourselves in? For instance, as parents, when we notice something different about our child do we accept it or ignore it? Do we do research and ask questions to find out if this behaviour or reaction of any given situation is the norm or something special?

It can be so challenging to accept that your child might be special, that they have additional or complicated needs. You can go through stages where you compare your child to your other children, or children of your friends or family.

I ask you, when is denial a good thing? Could it be when you know that it will help you to cope with your situation?

I do not know the answers, but I know the questions I have been asking myself and others. Let us consider if we stop being in denial, maybe we can get the support and help each other to know that we are not alone and it is alright to ask questions and ask for help.

Take care and remember fake it until you make it. You will succeed and ask for help when you need to.



Why is it so important to listen?

Hello everyone,

Thank you for checking in with me. I have had a nerve racking couple of days because as I am about to suggest to you it is vital we really listen to what someone has to say.

People talk and communicate with us in so many ways. With our busy and hectic lives it is easy to avoid seeing all the clues, which can warn you that something is drastically wrong.

I am so glad and grateful that I have a wonderful guardian angel, which seems to always be there for me, even though at times I question why is something not going the way I want it to. When I have really needed things to work out for me they truly have.

I have just returned from the hospital, my youngest son was admitted with breathing difficulties and I can tell you it was such an awful experience seeing him grasping and his body working so hard to breathe. He was so drowsy and I was pleading with him to stay awake and not go to sleep, but he said I am just so tired. (I thought to myself if he is talking he is awake.)

It was so incredible how this life threatening situation escalated. He had a slight cough but the weather was bad and most children have a cough now and then I was relentlessly told. When it was home-time his dad told me that he just sat on a chair outside his class and said he was tired. On the way home I saw them and I ran up to them and he said mummy I am so tired carry me. My instinct told me to comply and I did I put him on my back and carried him home and told him he should change and lie down and watch a movie.

I spoke to his father and asked if the teacher had mentioned anything to him about our son and he said no. I asked his father how he was on the way home and he said he was a bit tired and walking slower than usual. I checked on my son and he was resting in his bed and seemed fine. The cough was not regular and so my friends and family said don’t worry about it so I tried to not be too concerned.

A short while after he fell asleep and I went to check on him again. During the evening he woke and was back on his schedule and things seem fine. But in the night he had begun to cough more frequently and he didn’t sound that great. I was not too pleased but friends and family dismissed my concerns with it just a cough or a common cold which child doesn’t get them now and then it builds up the immune system.

I had a restless night and made up my mind that first thing in the morning I needed to get peace of mind, so I would contact a doctor. By the time my son was with the doctor my son was so tired and his nose was flaring and his throat was thrusting and his stomach was moving vigorously.

Needless to say he was rushed to the hospital and given the required treatment and thus I have had a heart wrenching 24 hours. It took a long time for the breathing to not be such hard work for him but he is full of energy now and has a care plan to follow.

Hear my warning! Listen, don’t ignore or be dismissive because someone could be relying on you to hear them and to take action from hearing your words.

Thank you for letting my beloved child be on the road to recovery. Keep on believing and don’t give up on things working out for the best. Fake it until you make it so you succeed always.