How do you feel when your child has a melt down?

Hi everyone,

Thanks for checking in with me. It is so important that we share our challenges and successes. I know that I feel better knowing that I am not alone. There are so many people that seem to have a perfect life; but when you talk to them and they are really open, you find out you are not alone or the reason why they are coping is because they have the support of a nanny/childminder.

Yesterday I found myself thinking why me? I was trying to get my children to school and things were just not going smoothly.

So before I share this story I am going to tell you that Dr. Laura Markham made me feel somewhat better because she made me realise I am not alone. Feeling that you are the only one who experiences these melt downs that trigger: self doubt about your abilities to do a simple task like getting your children to school, can make you feel very inadequate.

I often wonder if other parents’ dread simple activities like taking their children to school. I wonder if others think these things to. Have you experienced the most embarrassing melt down that you ask yourself why is this happening, why did I do things slightly differently? Why did I not avoid this whole situation by being prepared for any and every eventually? Is the even possible? Well until you are party to one of your children having a meltdown it can feel life it is lasting for an eternity. But we need to share, if no one is telling you they have experienced this behaviour from their child, you can feel alone and embarrassed.

So what was the latest melt down incident for me? My colleague texted me to let me know an early morning meetings was on the schedule and I suppose my mindset was already in the wrong place because I knew there were going to be some variations. So I was thinking: what were the odds that this was the day I had to deal with my youngest having a melt down? I just could not believe it.

My youngest was holding on to the fence refusing to move, yelling, crying, screaming, kicking out if anyone tried to touch him. The whole time this is going on people were looking and commenting on his behaviour and my mind was racing, I don’t have time for this I have to drop you off at school, everyone is looking at us. This is all because I didn’t pack the exact pack snack (his brother ate them) and I didn’t fix his pants the exact way he likes it and he didn’t see the people he usually sees…. This is when I called for my inner strength and I asked for help and I started to remember to be grateful (this helped me to feel somewhat calmer). Then I was able to get back to the task at hand. I had to think of a distraction so he was able to snap out of this moment of upset. (This time it was getting him to remember something pleasant I planned for him).

So remember to let others know what happens to you, so we know that others understand and are not judging you.

Share your experiences so there is more awareness and understanding. Don’t let that stress build up! Let others give you tips and advice that has worked for them. Behaviour management is challenging, lets work together.

Remember to visit my site for book review, tips, and ideas.

Thanks take care try to stay calm and fake it until you make it.


6 thoughts on “How do you feel when your child has a melt down?

  1. I needed this article in my life today! My 2 year old has been having many emotional meltdowns lately and I have been running out of patience. Thank you for the tips, there are many here that I am going to use 🙂


  2. Thank you for this succinct and informative advice. It’s so hard to not respond in kind when our little darlings are ‘acting out’. Thank you the advise to help maintain perspective and be empathetic. I can remember being told to ‘chill out’, ‘it’s no big deal’, or that my feelings were ‘unacceptable and disrespectful’ as a child. Being dismissed, ridiculed, criticized, and/or punished for expressing genuine emotions is so hurtful…and lonesome. Thank you for the helpful script to follow. Being able to mentally practice and be prepared for the next meltdown is incredibly helpful! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your wisdom, and your loving parenting advice!!!!!


  3. I could totally relate! My mom used to mock and ridicule me when I was upset or going through tough times , puberty included! All I wanted was a hug, never happened! Thanks for the article!


  4. Thanks! Great article at a very relevant time. Very useful advice and helpful to take a step back and rethink how to approach interacting with my daughter when she struggles with her emotions.


  5. Great article. My 3 year old son is a lovely little boy but is very prone to some spectacular tantrums and loves to hit or kick his little sister when he is upset. I have been trying to implement some of the above strategies already and they really do seem to work. I just feel I need to try a bit harder which is not always easy but reading this article reinforces my belief that I can do it.


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